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Manufacturer: WeBotanix
Food supplement based on melatonin, hemp protein, GABA and plant extracts that promotes a deeper rest and helps to fall asleep.
Active ingredients:
Specially designed for people in situations of stress and anxiety with difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Promotes restful sleep at night.
Extracto seco de Amapola califórnica (Eschscholzia Californica-parte aérea) 0,2% de alcaloides, extracto seco de Lúpulo (Humuluslupulus-flor) 4% de flavonas, proteína de cáñamo, ácido gamma-aminobutírico (GABA), agente de carga (celulosa microcristalina), antiaglomerante (estearato de magnesio) y melatonina. Cápsula: Agente de recubrimiento (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa).